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DiBiQuadro PwrCabs is a collection of 10 N4/N4Player Acqua plugins for guitarists who need hyper-realistic cabinet responses for their amp simulators. Each PwrCab represents the sampling of a selected chain made of:

  • a power-amp section
  • a combination cabinet/speaker
  • a microphone
  • and a mic preamp

connected by hi-quality expensive short cables and recorded through mastering-grade converters from VERY loud volumes down to whispering levels.

PwrCabs are the perfect complement for SaturnLO and MercuryRec.


PwrCabs vs IRs

PwrCabs are NOT simple IRs. Similarly to Virgo, each PwrCab is made up of 10 harmonics x 30 levels = 300 different FIR impulses, giving you a dynamic, deep, “living” tone. It represents a completely different solution from the usual IIR based plugins and the most accurate existing reproduction of the final stages of a regular guitar recording chain.


Sampled Gear

Power Amps

  • MSBG 6L6: 100W power-amp section of a very famous American amplifier, in silicon diode / bold configuration for the maximum bite.
  • BGNR EL34: 100W power-amp section of a 20th anniversary boutique American amplifier.
  • V2100 EL34: simply the best 100W power-amp ever built. Heavy as a tank, produced in a very limited run, and used by at least a pair of the most iconic guitar players of the ‘90s.


  • 60A: this is a classic English slant 4×12 cabinet, probably the world’s best-selling 4×12 cabinet ever made.
  • 60B: this is a classic English straight 4×12 cabinet, with the typical basket-weave grill cloth.


  • T75: featured in the world’s top selling 4×12 cabinet, it provides a scooped and bright tone. The speaker of choice of YJM and many other classic metal players.
  • V30: in spite of its name, this is THE modern guitar speaker, great for “hot-rodded” amplifiers.
  • M25: Greenback 25W speaker, to get that classic rock tone.
  • H30: Heritage 30W speaker, with the 55c/s ‘bass’ cone, famous for its thick tones, deep back end, complex mid-range and detailed top end.


  • 57: the most used microphone for guitar cabinets.

Mic Preamps

  • A12C: American preamp, a standard for guitar recording.
  • B73: British preamp, another standard with no presentation needed.



